Buy Differin 0.1% gel 30g
  • Buy Differin 0.1% gel 30g

Differin 0.1% gel 30g


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Dosage form



1 g of gel 01% contains: Adapalen 1 mg

Excipients: Carbomer 980, propylene glycol, poloxamer 182, sodium edetate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, phenoxyethanol, sodium hydrochloride, distilled water


In a plastic tube 30 g of gel 0.1%. In the package 1 tube.

Mechanism of action

Differin gel contains Adapalen, a new generation of synthetic retinoids, and is a derivative of naphthoic acid.

Adapalen has sebiostatic, comedolytic / anticomedogenic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The drug acts on follicular hyperkeratosis, regulating the process of keratinization and desquamation - it has a pronounced comedolytic activity (affects open and closed comedones) and an anticomedogenic effect (prevents the formation of microcomedo).

The main mechanism of action is the selective binding to the nuclear RA? Receptors of epidermal cells, in contrast to the non-selective binding of retinoids of previous generations. This mechanism regulates the final differentiation of keratinocytes, which ensures the normalization of the process of keratinization and the reduction of the prerequisites for the formation of microcomedo.

Proved a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of adapalene: inhibition of lipoxygenase, arihidonic acid, cytokines. In vitro and in vivo, it exhibits high anti-inflammatory activity, comparable in potency to betamethasone and Indomethacin, by influencing the inflammatory factors.

Adapalen has no photosensitizing effect.

Indications and usage

- Acne.


- Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Differin is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Dosage and administration

Gel evenly, without rubbing, applied to the affected skin 1 time / day before bedtime. The drug should be applied to clean, dry skin.

The therapeutic effect develops after 4-8 weeks of therapy, persistent improvement - after 3 months from the start of therapy.

Perhaps repeated courses of drug therapy on the recommendation of a doctor.

Differin cream (Differin cream 0.1% tube 30 g pack. 1 cardboard. 1 Galderma Lab) is recommended for sensitive and dry skin.

Differin is indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate acne as monotherapy, and for moderate acne also in combination with other topical (antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide) and systemic (antibiotics, antiandrogens for oral administration) drugs.

Adverse reactions

Local reactions: when applying the gel in excessive amounts, redness and peeling of the skin is possible.

Adapalen - the active ingredient of the drug Differin, resistant to oxygen and light, is chemically inactive.

When using the drug, avoid contact with eyes and lips.

In some cases, the use of the drug may cause short-term irritation of the skin, in such cases, therapy can be interrupted until the signs of irritation disappear.

During the period of use of the drug should avoid active exposure to the sun and UV radiation due to possible mild skin irritation.

In the period of use of the drug is not recommended to use cosmetic products with a drying or irritating effect (including perfume, ethanol-containing agents).

Perhaps the use of other agents for the treatment of acne with the use of Differin; while Differin is used 1 time / day before bedtime, and in the morning use other means (for example, 4% Erythromycin lotion, 1% Clindamycin lotion, benzoyl peroxide on a water basis in a concentration not exceeding 10%). Perhaps the simultaneous use of makeup products and moisturizers that do not contribute to the formation of comedones.

Drug interactions

There is no established clinically significant drug interaction Differin with simultaneous use of clindamycin phosphate or benzoyl peroxide.


Due to low systemic absorption, overdose is unlikely.

Storage conditions

- The drug should be stored at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not use after expiration date.

Differin 0.1%