Buy Wormwood oil 10ml
  • Buy Wormwood oil 10ml

Wormwood oil 10ml


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10 ml.

Mechanism of action

Essential oil of wormwood has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, immunomodulatory, antispasmodic, antioxidant effect.

Indications and usage

Healing properties

  • effective in inflammation of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, influenza, ARVI, cough, runny nose;
  • possesses the cardiostimulating action, helps at a stroke;
  • It has a soothing effect on arthritis, rheumatism, muscle fatigue;
  • effective anti-burn agent;
  • effective remedy for impaired hearing;
  • increases appetite.

Cosmetic properties

  • accelerates the healing of burns and contributes to the restoration of skin tissue;
  • eliminates papillomas and warts.

Psycho-emotional action

  • excellent invigorating agent, eliminates lethargy, depression;
  • increases mental alertness, concentration, activates memory;
  • mitigates shock and hysteria;
  • normalizes sleep.


Essential oil of wormwood should not be used during pregnancy.

Dosage and administration

3-5 drops of essential oil mixed with 10 ml of any cosmetic oil (jojoba, peach, almond, etc.) or massage cream, apply to the skin, carry out the procedure of massage.
Use for:relieve muscle fatigue, eliminate lethargy, depression, normalize sleep.

in a bath filled with water (37-38 ° C), add 4-8 drops of essential oil, previously mixed with 1 tablespoon of emulsifier (milk, honey, sea salt). Duration of the procedure is 10-30 minutes. After the bath, without rinsing, wipe the body with a towel.
Use with:respiratory tract inflammation, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, influenza, ARVI, cough, rhinitis, arthritis, rheumatism, muscle fatigue.

in AromaMedallion (on a napkin or handkerchief) drip 2-4 drops of essential oil. Breathe in during the day. At night, you can put a cloth soaked in essential oil on a pillow.
Use for:eliminate lethargy, depressionincrease mental activity, concentration, mitigate shock and hysteria, normalization of sleep.

in 200 ml of cold water (10 - 15 ° С) stir 5-6 drops of essential oil, then immerse in this water cotton fabric, slightly squeeze and apply on the projection area of ​​the diseased organ, forehead, neck, calf muscles, fix the dry cloth. The time of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.
Use forhealing of burns.

apply undiluted essential oil to a skin defect. Do not allow oil to get into healthy skin.
Use forremove papillomas, warts.

Storage conditions

In a dry, cool, dark place, out of reach of children.

Wormwood oil