1 ml of oil solution contains: a-tocopherol acetate 100 mg
In a bottle of orange glass 20 ml solution. In the package 1 bottle.
Tocopherol acetate solution protects various substances from oxidative changes. Participates in the biosynthesis of heme and proteins. Participates in cell proliferation. Participates in tissue respiration and other important processes of cellular metabolism.
Under the name "vitamin E" is known a number of compounds (tocopherols), similar in chemical nature and biological action. The most active of these is a-tocopherol. Tocopherols are found in the green parts of plants, especially in young sprouts of cereals; large amounts of tocopherols are found in vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, corn, peanut, soybean, sea buckthorn). Some of them are found in meat, fat, eggs, milk.
- Muscular dystrophy.
- Dermatomycosis.
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- Asthenic syndrome.
- Neurasthenic syndrome.
- Overwork.
- Paresis.
- Myasthenia.
- Myopathy.
- Violations of the menstrual cycle.
- The threat of abortion.
- Climax.
- Impaired function of the sex glands in men and women.
- Dermatozy.
- Psoriasis.
- Atrophy of the respiratory mucosa.
- Periodontal disease.
- Rheumatic diseases:
- Fibrositis.
- Tendopathies.
- Diseases of the joints and spine.
- Diabetes mellitus, especially with ketoacidosis, diabetic polyneuropathy.
Increased individual sensitivity to the drug.
1 drop of a 10% solution from an eye dropper contains 2 mg of a-tocopherol acetate.
For oral medication prescribed in the following doses:
In diseases of the neuromuscular system (muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc.) 50-100 mg per day for 1-2 months. Repeated courses in 2-3 months.
Men with violations of spermatogenesis and potency, 100-300 mg per day in combination with hormonal therapy for a month.
With threatened abortion, 100-150 mg per day.
With habitual abortion and the deterioration of intrauterine development of the fetus, 100-150 mg per day in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy daily or every other day.
For peripheral vascular diseases, myocardial dystrophy, atherosclerosis, 100 mg per day in combination with vitamin A. The course duration is 20-40 days, after 3-6 months, the treatment can be repeated.
For skin diseases From 15 to 100 mg per day for 20-40 days.
Breast children with scleroderma, malnutrition and low resistance of capillaries. The drug is prescribed in doses of 5-10 mg per day.
The use of large doses of the drug can cause: dyspeptic disorders, decreased performance, weakness, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary thromboembolism, thrombosis, increased creatine kinase, creatinuria, hypercholesterolemia, white hair growth in areas of alopecia with vesicular epidermolysis.
Care must be taken when using the drug in patients with severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, myocardial infarction, and an increased risk of thromboembolism.
Store in a dark place at room temperature.
Tocopherol acetate