Buy Styx (Stix) Hyssop Essential Oil 10ml
  • Buy Styx (Stix) Hyssop Essential Oil 10ml

Styx Hyssop Essential Oil 10ml


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Essential Oil Hyssop - the main flavor is oily, musky-spicy, with a touch of skin, pepper, milk. It belongs to the class of adaptogens.

The perfect combination with essential oils limemet, verbena, petitgrain, red orange, lavender, sage, myrtle, bay, geranium.

Main action: eliminates allergic reactions, strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism, is included in all “cool” preparations. Anti-traumatic. Normalizes blood pressure.

Psycho-emotional action: adapts to external factors, eliminates psycho-emotional lability, confusion, loss of control, lack of will, hysteria.

Increases concentration, sociability.

Cosmetic action: eliminates irritation, hyperemia, swelling, burning, soreness of the skin damaged and subjected to stress reactions.

Reduces the effects of hyperhidrosis. Effective with bacterial and autoimmune dermatitis, weeping eczema.

Forms a uniform color of the skin.

It has wound healing, absorbable, anti-traumatic action. Eliminates keratoses.

Curative effect: tonic, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory, expectorant action. Eases breathing, eliminates obstructive and spastic reactions, normalizes the condition of the broncho-pulmonary system.

Eliminates inflammation of the ear and nasopharynx, relieves pain in otitis, sore throat, frontal.

Optimizes hemodynamics, eliminates ischemia, blood pressure lability.

Stimulates the production of histaminase, restores the neurohumoral balance of the body, suppresses allergic reactions (vasomotor rhinitis, hay fever, urticaria, asthmatic component of bronchitis).

Beneficial effect on the digestive tract, relieves cramps, colic, flatulence, constipation.
A light diuretic, anti-cholelithiasis and anti-aurolitase actions, normalizes the body's salt balance, does not allow the formation of stones.

Promotes cleansing of the body, hemolymphatic drainage agent.

It has a regenerating, absorbing, anti-traumatic effect - eliminates hematomas, bruises, strains, swelling.
Eliminates puffiness at fractures.

Normalizes the menstrual cycle, facilitates the flow of menopause.