Buy Styx (Stix) grape seed oil 100ml
  • Buy Styx (Stix) grape seed oil 100ml

Styx grape seed oil 100ml


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Grape Seed Oil - the richness of the composition determines the richness of action: grape seed oil is 5 times more than pure vitamin E in its antioxidant activity! Ideal for the care of the skin of the face and body with the problem of sagging skin, especially associated with losing weight.

Cosmetic action: powerful rejuvenating, lifting, smoothing, moisturizing, whitening effect.

Eliminates sagging, improves skin turgor.

Eliminates cosmetic flaws in problematic age zones (double chin, bags under the eyes, swollen cheeks, aging neck).

Normalizes liposecretion, solving the problems of fatty skin areas (T-zone, chin).

Ideal for bust care: it improves elasticity and tone, eliminates stretch marks (stretch marks), is used in cosmetic programs that restore the original forms of the mammary gland.

Apply during pregnancy for the care of the body as a warning for the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks) and to maintain the elasticity of the skin of the future mom.

Curative effect: provides antioxidant, lipolytic and anti-sclerotic effect, prevents the formation of cellulite. Strengthens and improves the tone of the walls of blood vessels, being a healing food additive for varicose veins. It has anti-edema action: it optimizes the body’s water-salt balance.

Oncoprotector: prevents the development of neoplasms. Resveratrols included in the formula of the oil provide normalization of the prothrombin blood index, preventing the development of thrombophlebitis, activates microcirculation, prevents trophic pathology of organs and systems.

100% cold pressed grape seed oil.

Pharmacological composition of the oil: organic acids, glucose, fructose, salts of potassium, sodium, Calcium, iron, Vitamins : C, B, A, enzymes, bioflavonoids, proanthocyanidins, phytoncides, tannins.

Use for the care of the skin of the face, body, hair and nails, both in pure form and with the enrichment of essential oils as needed / problem.

The ideal base (emulsifier) ​​for working with essential oils. It can be used for massage, masks, applications, lubrications, compresses, as well as for the enrichment of finished cosmetics.

For internal use: taken in pure form or with the addition of essential oils; can be used in cooking.