Buy Ozokerite 250g
  • Buy Ozokerite 250g

Ozokerite 250g


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Structure: ozokerite, fragrance

Indications and usage

It has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antispastic, resolving, analgesic, vasodilating, pruritic effect, stimulates regenerative (reparative) processes in tissues, healing.

Methods of carrying out ozokeritotherapy For carrying out heat treatment, ozokerite is melted, heating to a certain temperature, and applied to a particular area of ​​the patient’s body, respectively, to the place of injury and the nature of the disease. There are various methods of ozokeritotherapy:

1. PURPOSE Melted ozokerite temperature + 50-55 degrees is applied with a flat paint brush to the appropriate area of ​​skin, pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly or some indifferent ointment. The next layer of ozokerite can already be applied hot, temperature up to 70-80 degrees. After applying a layer of ozokerite with a thickness of 1-2 cm, it is covered with oilcloth and widely covered with a blanket.

2. OZokerite bath The hand or foot is coated with ozokerite at a temperature of 50-55 degrees, and then immersed in an oil-bag, filled with ozokerite at a temperature of 65-70 degrees. The bag is tied up (top). A limb is wrapped with a blanket.

3. NUMBER-APPLICATION TECHNIQUE Gauze cloth moistened with ozokerite and folded in 6-8 layers, squeezed with tweezers and spread on oilcloth to cool to a certain temperature. Ozokerite compress is made from 2 such multi-layer gauze napkins, placing them one above the other. From above they are covered with an oilcloth and everyone is wrapped in a blanket. The temperature of the first, adjacent to the patient's body, wipes should be no higher than 45-50 degrees, the second, slightly smaller in size - 60-70 degrees.

4. APPLICATION METHOD Molten ozokerite is poured into a metal cuvette (baking tray) 5 cm deep on a previously laid in it oilcloth, which stands for the edges of the cuvette 5 cm. Pick up the suitable size of a ditch. Cooling down in a cuvette, ozokerite turns into a hot cake 2-5 cm thick. Turning the cuvette upside down, a cake with a temperature of 50-60 degrees together with oilcloth is applied to the patient's skin. All wrapped with a blanket. This technique eliminates the use of high temperature ozokerite. For the treatment of certain diseases of the distal colon - proctosigmoiditis, mucosal fissures, as well as chronic prostatitis, a method of rectal tampons with the introduction of ozokerite-paraffin mixture (65% of ozokerite and 25% of paraffin oil) was developed into the rectum. After the procedure, ozokerite-oil swab easily leaves the rectum with a slight straining of the patient. The procedure is carried out only after a preliminary inspection of the svertomanoskop. For the treatment of some gynecological diseases, a technique for the introduction of vaginal ozocerite tampons has been developed and applied.A mixture of ozokerite with liquid paraffin (1: 1.5) is injected into the vagina, the temperature is 44-45 degrees. Often at the same time ozokerite is applied to the skin in the pelvic region (panties area). Small-sized ozokerite cakes are superimposed on the appointment of an ENT doctor in the region of the maxillary sinuses in chronic sinusitis. To use ozokerite less high temperature, which in some cases is necessary (for example, in chronic persistent hepatitis with a high content of bilirubin in the blood), ozokerite was also mixed with paraffin or liquid paraffin. These mixtures were called ozokerafin and ozokeralin. The melting point of the mixtures is lower than that of ozokerite. Ozokerite heating pad was also proposed - a combination of a waffle napkin soaked in melted ozokerite and a heating pad powered from a 12 volt power grid. The heating pad is heated to 40-42 degrees. A positive therapeutic effect is noted. However, the tendency to bleeding, suspicion of it and, especially, the presence of it completely excludes ozoceritotherapy for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, urolithiasis, gynecological suffering, etc. Known expression: the pancreas "does not like" strong heat and saline water. Therefore, in chronic pancreatitis, even with concomitant gastritis with low acid-forming function of the stomach, the most mineralized mineral water of the No. 2 source is not usually prescribed.


Tumors, Acute inflammatory processes, Tuberculosis of any localization, Circulatory failure 2-3 degrees, Hypertension 2-3 stages, Severe atherosclerosis of heart and brain vessels, Coronary heart disease (CHD) with symptoms of angina pectoris, Glomerulonephritis, Active hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, Thyrotoxicosis, decompressed diabetes mellitus, cysts of the kidneys, ovaries, etc. localization, Bleeding tendency, Epilepsy, Pregnancy.

At a temperature not higher than + 25 C.