Buy Heparin ointment 25g
  • Buy Heparin ointment 25g

Heparin ointment 25g


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Adverse Effects

Allergic reactions: rhinitis, urticaria, tearing, fever, bronchospasm.
Other: when using the drug in high doses and / or with long-term treatment, bleeding from the mucous membranes and wounds is possible, and thrombocytopenia may develop.
Locally: redness, pruritus.


Symptoms: bleeding of varying severity.
Treatment: with a small bleeding should reduce the dose or temporarily stop using the drug.
For extensive bleeding, an excess of Heparin is neutralized by protamine sulphate (1 mg protamine sulphate per 100 IU of heparin). It must be borne in mind that heparin is rapidly eliminated, and if protamine sulfate is prescribed 30 minutes after the previous dose of heparin, only half of the required dose must be administered; The maximum dose of protamine sulfate is 50 mg.

Drug Interactions

The effects of heparin increase: antibiotics (reduce the formation of vitamin K intestinal microflora), Acetylsalicylic acid, Dipyridamole, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other agents that reduce platelet aggregation (remaining the main mechanism of hemostasis in patients with heparin), indirect anticoagulants.
The effect of heparin is reduced: antihistamines, phenothiazines, cardiac glycosides, nicotinic acid, tetracyclines, ergot alkaloids, nicotine, Nitroglycerin (w / in administration), thyroxin, ACTH, alkaline amines and polypeptides, protamine.
Heparin should not be mixed in the same syringe with other drugs.

Storage conditions

In a dry, cool, protected from light, out of reach of children.

Solution d / in. - By prescription. Apply in stationary conditions.
Ointment - sold without prescription.
